Sharm-ing in general

Clare and I apres-dive chillaxing
Over the last year more than a few farang (westerners) in both Thailand and now Egypt believe on first sight that Clare and I are sisters...flattering, but neither of us really see it...This holiday Clare, Twila and I decided that for ease and comfort we were Leo's 3 wives (lucky bugger eh?hehehe) obviously with Twila being wife number 1. Now please accept this as my purely personal opinion from subjective experience over the 3 times I've visited Egypt, but I find myself in a constant state of discomfort, defensiveness and agitiation around egyptian men. Perhaps it's because they repress their own women so much but they pretty much look at you and treat you as if you are a whore there for their amusement and are damn rude with it-yuck!
I generally disliked Na'ama Bay, except for the dive college. It is very touristy, with a main strip akin to my imaginary vision of Benidorm or some other such delight (being heavy on the sarcastic tone). Neon lights, a Hard Rock Cafe, TGI Fridays, Pacha, Pizza Hut, KFC...getting the picture? And the inability to walk further than about 4 steps without someone trying to sell you something, pull you into their full of tourist-tat shop or get you an extortionately priced taxi.
I would defo. return to Egypt for a diving holiday but only if it were a liveaboard trip (which would also allow me to dive the Thistlegorm again as a night dive...oooo, eerie)
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