Diving Holiday: Sharm Baby, wo-hoo!!!!

Okay just a teaser whilst I get round to doing a proper entry, but in essence Leo,Twila, Clare and I, who had all worked and lived on Phi Phi together but are currently in Blighty decided a dive holiday was in order, so 3rd June-10th we hopped on over to Sharm El Sheikh to see what the buzz about diving the Red Sea was all about.

We stayed in the Hilton Waterfalls Resort, a rather lush and luxurious 5* number with 7 pools, and even a funicular to take you from reception down to your rooms or the varying layers of pool-age!! We did find the top pool which included a pool bar and a no children rule to be a most pleasant locale for apres-diving drinkies. The weather was fabulous, over 42 degrees each day...and I have to give kudos to the egyptians for the local beer, Sakara...pretty tasty.
Diving was twice to three times daily, in crystal clear very blue water...albeit a tad chilly for us girlies at between 23 and 26 degrees. I was in a long 5mm wetsuit, a short 5mm, and a thermal rash vest with a hood!!! Muchos fun was had.
I miss diving soooooo much:(

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