Kimi B Ley

From life as a beach bum scuba instructor in a bounty ad., to the joys of englandshire-upon-sewageville...Hugs and I'll blow some bubbles for ya

Sunday, February 20, 2005

Happy, Happy, Hedonistic Memories...(about time eh?)

Well I'm guessing by now that my attachment and love off pp island life are about as clear as 80m underwater visiblity!!! Figured maybe it was time to recall a few episodes of much ridiculousness...

Pink Eye Episode:

This one was a classic. On pp due to the fab. tropical water temperatures (27 degrees+) bacteria tends to thrive, as does infection. Of course none of this is aided much by the constant incestuous activity amongst the diving community, the filthy,gorgeous buggers! So there were a number of outbreaks of pink-eye (conjunctivitus) in my time there, and each time it spreads amongst almost all like thrush! On one such occassion my lil jem Fire had caught it, and was walking around in sunglasses having been shouted at by her boss that she wasn't to go anywhere near any of his diving instructors. (Fire is hilarious, reffered to often by men as big tits, or girl in a womans body. I lived in the bungalow next to her for a few months and then with her before moving in opposite with Monsieur Boucher).

So after a heavy night out, which may have included (altho not exclusively) caprinhas,b52's, slippery nipples and buckets Boucher and I awoke in our bungalow in a mischevious and quite random rambling frame of mind. He devised the great idea of going to wake Fire up (if he was awake everyone else had to be too) but due to her contagion level informed me that for my own good, health and satfety he was going to have to wrap the top of my head in clingfilm!!! And that if I cared for him I'd do the same back (don't you love that still drunk feeling in the morning?).

So looking like a mutated bankrobber/fetish freak we awoke and scared the crap out of Fire. In the midst of our rambling we all decided that being westerners by birth we were craving fast food, and there being none on pp decided a trip to mainland phuket was in order.Boucher realiably phoned his boss telling him he had a dodgy stomach and the 3 of us crept thru the market, as opposed to the main st. so we wouldn't be seen.

Phuket was fun, fast food was had, and the realisation that it was the King's Birthday was discussed. Fire came out with some classics that day. Having spoken at length about it being the Kings Birthday (Dec. 4th) we walked out of the supermarket to a congregation of thai people holding candles watching a large TV screen and singing. Wee Fire, being not the brightest bulb in the box became incredibly excited telling Boucher and I how lovely it was to have a christmas carol concert so early!!! Other gems of the day included a discussion on the socio-economic differences between the yuk and Thailand, or rather less developed countries "You can always tell a developing country as there's no Karen Millen anywhere, they don't seem to care about fashion", and the state of housing, "Do you think those iron huts people live in are just like coucil houses back home? I guess the main difference is they don't need central heating or 4 walls here", and another of my favourites where she informed us that she'd always thought that dinosaurs were extinct, but had been reliably informed by her boss and a few divers that pterodactyls still fly around above pp!!! Love that girl!!!

Will share more shortly, so many keep flooding to mind-hehehe


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