Lipe, Lanta and Langkawi...
Apologies again for my tardiness...muchos diving etc., been happening out on this wee island. I did a week off recently though which was superfab. Clare, P Nok and I sailed down to Ko Lipe on Brian's sailboat, stopping off at Ko Rok and Adang on the way. Clare and I then hopped on over to Langkawi for a visa stamp, I spent a couple of lovely (but over too quick) days at Karma Bar catching up with a lot of the old skoolers before a night in Ko Lanta and then back here. I do keep intending on writing more but it really is a very busy high season here and I've been working on some PADI Award criteria etc., blah,blah...hehehe. Thinking of you all though, oh and incidentally I cut my hair back supershort now to any of those who actually know me;)
I will add in more photos soon...
Koh Lipe

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