Sleeping in Hammocks...
Well in case it wasn't abundantly clear (or you're slightly slow) I was back in Thailand of late: Phi Phi, Lanta and Lipe for 6 weeks. I had a superb time back in my second home, and am still an islander at heart. The cameraderie and community is so strong...don't think I'm all rose-tinted nostalgia however. I remember and know that at times island madness/fever takes hold, that there are times you wish everyone didn't know everything, but...I still miss that crazy lil island and my peeps there. A couple more higlights...
For the first time in all the years I've dived I dived in a rash vest instead of wetsuit, such ease of movement, the feel and sensation of the 31 degree water... I loved it and am chuffed I was talked into giving it a go!!!!
I also discovered a new found enjoyment of, and appreciation for Losammah dive site, the last site I dived before returning to the UK:( was mindblowing and uber-amazing!!! You know how it is when you see something or somewhere in an entirely new light?

Clare one of the best friends you could be lucky enough to meet, and strong beyond belief...I'm so excited you're coming to the uk for summer!!!Thank you, thank you, thank you XXXX
And all the other islanders: Jenny, hopefully we'll get more time together soonest; Neill, keep healthy, and clothed; Toby,X,Donald,Paul,Tim,James,Mark at Tiger and Sports Bar;D.D. obviously; Cian and Lisa; Ya...and all the folks I've forgotten to name...loves y'all.
So in all likelihood and if all goes to plan, I'll sit out summer in Brighton and then head back and work high season on pp as an instructor again!!! Yeeee-ha, Wo-hoo!!!!
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