Kimi B Ley

From life as a beach bum scuba instructor in a bounty ad., to the joys of englandshire-upon-sewageville...Hugs and I'll blow some bubbles for ya

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Interesting Hypothesis?

Whelk and I have for some time been ruminating on the lesser known effects of our dear companion alcohol. Our hypothesis is that the more alcohol you consume, the quicker and more prolific your eyebrows grow. Now we are currently unaware whether this is a purely female peculiarity, or exists across the board. Furthermore we remain unsure as to the mechanisms or function of this observation. Allegedly eyebrows (along with lashes) are designed to prevent sweat,dust and foreign bodies entering the eyes; are we more likely to sweat when drinking? Probably if in a club. What about dust? I s'pose so if you are drinking to levels of falling down, then you could be more susceptible to dust entering the eyes. Foreign bodies?Now this is a somewhat vague term methinks, if we take it in a literal sense, then I must admit to being on a 'finding foreign men rather lush' trip at the moment, and am probably more likely to engage in interaction with them at times of alcohol consumption, but I certainly don't have some strange perversion for putting their bodies in my eyes.

This increased growth is most inconvenient...requiring extra pluckage of the mutant brow hairs, at a time when shaky, hangover hands are not at their most nimble...must ask the author of ditsy chronicles,, what she thinks, as an expert in pluckology and faffology.

I feel that more global research and scientific experimentation and findings are in order, so let me know how you go fellow pioneers!

On a disparate train of thought, I just remembered the time in my life when cranberries (the fruit) forever became crudberry...a mere slip of the tongue from whelk one pseudo-stoned evening more than 6 years back. A much more appropriate word.


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